Thursday, June 30, 2016

The beginning?

Our long weekend of rain chances has begun.  We received 0.4" of rain at our house last night and east of here seemed to be even wetter.   Hopefully, we'll be able to fill the rain gauge a little more before the weekend is out!

Monday, June 27, 2016

No rain yet

The rains yesterday all seemed to miss us again, but we have more chances in the forecast this week so we'll pray for that.  The corn is busy pollinating and would love some moisture to soak up with all this sunshine.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Soybean tour

We went on a short soybean tour this morning to check the fields.  One field of Watts' will need replanted in spots.  Quentin thinks it is dry enough there to do that this afternoon.  Everything else looks pretty good.  There is definitely more moisture in the ground over at Chambers', but we still have not heard how much rain they received there.  More chances of rain in the forecast, and the corn would be happy to get a good drink!

Field on Chambers' planted mid-June

Field on Leisure's planted mid-May

Friday, June 24, 2016


We received about 0.4" here at the house, and radar indicated we might have gotten a little more rain over on Chambers'.  It was a nice, soaking rain, which was perfect for the newly planted soybeans.  I'm sure the corn could use a little more moisture, but we do have more chances of rain in the forecast.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Finished planting!

Quentin finished up planting soybeans easily yesterday.  Today, they are trying to get caught up on spraying again.  We have a good chance for rain this afternoon through tomorrow morning and are hopeful we will get a good shower.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wheat harvest wrapping up

Quentin is out finishing up the last of the wheat on Marilyn's.  Wheat harvest 2016 will soon be over for us!  He should be able to wrap planting up soon, too.  This morning, he planted a few after-wheat beans on Chambers'.  We have a couple chances for rain Thursday and Friday, and we are praying some of that materializes in to a nice amount of moisture. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Divide and conquer

couple more fields are dry enough to harvest and plant so the men decided to divide and conquer today.  Paul is out harvesting on Steeby's, and Quentin took the planter down to Watts' to put some more soybeans in the ground.  That would leave Marilyn's wheat left to cut and Paul's soybeans up by Winfrey's barn left to plant.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Slow progress

The men are making slow progress on the field work as things are drying out again.  They were able to finish harvesting on Chambers' yesterday afternoon and hope to plant the last field of soybeans over there this afternoon.  That leaves a couple fields left to harvest and a couple fields left to plant, but it may be Monday before those fields dry out enough to get into without making ruts.  Even so, with hot temperatures and slim rain chances in the extended forecast, it's never to early to start praying for rain!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Slow start to harvest!

Late yesterday afternoon the men were able to get the combine out and cut some wheat.  They started on Chambers' wheat since there had been less rain in that area on Sunday.  The wheat was dry, and the field wasn't too soft.  I haven't heard any hard numbers on yields yet, but it seemed to be doing "well".  The wheat was too tough to cut by around 9 so they had to stop for the night and weren't able to finish that field.  Then, last night we had another pop up thunderstorm drop a little over a half inch of rain on us again.  We can't complain about the rain, even if we are anxious to get the field work done.  The corn needed the moisture.  It has that "pointed" look and will be tassling any time now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Short delay

We had a surprise rainstorm on Sunday afternoon.  Quentin had just left an hour before to try and plant another field of soybeans.  Go figure!  However, we will not complain about the rain.  It was getting pretty dry already.  We had 1.5" at the house, but heard that over by Chambers' fields it was only 0.6-0.7" so it shouldn't keep them out of the fields too long.

The wheat also looks ready, and they will likely try a test cut when things dry out again.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Long hours!

Long hours in the planter again today.  Quentin finished up all of Rose Marie's except one field he decided to leave for later.  He moved down to Watts' and put in one field there, also.  The rest of the fields he is going to leave for a few days and see how the rain forecast pans out.  We already need the moisture so we pray we get a nice soaking rain...but not a gully-washer or we'll be replanting!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Soybean planting continues!

Quentin and Paul have been covering some serious acres.  The wind has cooperated fairly well, and Paul has been spending long hours in the sprayer.  Quentin continues to plant soybeans.  He finished down at Rose yesterday and did most of Steeby's.  He was able to wrap that up by mid-morning and moved over to Rose Marie's fields, which is where he will likely spend the next couple days.  He said the moisture is holding fairly well in most fields, but is getting dry on the poorer soils and where they had to work the ground.  The next chance for moisture here starts late Monday, and I think we'll be ready for a rain by then.  However, the wheat will also probably be ready to come out of the fields soon.  Quentin chewed on a bit this morning and thinks it's "close".

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Quentin is plugging away on the planter.  He did Kenneth's, Marilyn's and got a good start down at Rose yesterday.  After smoothing some more washed spots this morning, he started back at Rose.  He should finish it easily today and be able to go on to Steeby's.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Rolling again

The fields are dry enough to get the planter rolling again today.  Quentin spent yesterday afternoon and this morning smoothing out some terraces and rough spots in the fields he wants to get in.  There are a few wet spots here and there, but he will plant around those for now.  He left in the planter around 11:30, but I forgot to ask where he was heading.  He was debating how much he could get done before the fields start getting too dry in spots and where he needed to get in first.  There is a slight chance of rain this evening, but overall, the forecast looks dry until early next week.

Paul is out spraying, I believe, trying to keep caught up with the planter while it's not too windy.  Spraying goes faster than planting, but the planter can keep rolling even when there is dew on the grass or on windy days so sometimes it is hard to keep pace.

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Quentin finished up planting at Paul and Helen's house late last night and was expecting to plant all day today.  In the night, however, we awoke to the sound of RAIN!  Change of plans.  We received about 0.3", but it will likely keep them out of the fields for a couple days.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Busy again!

They're off!  After waiting and waiting for the ground to dry out, the men are finally back in the fields.  It is going to be busy, busy again now for awhile.  Paul is off to spray soybean ground, and Quentin just left with the planter to plant soybeans in the field by Paul's house.  Hopefully, they will be able to get all the beans in before either it rains again or gets too dry.  Sometimes, it's a fine line!  The wheat still has quite a bit of green in it.  They tell me harvest is a good 10-14 days off yet, but it will of course depend on how hot and windy the weather turns.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Tractors

Here are a few pictures from Yates Center Days this year.  The guys got out some of the old tractors for the parade.  I know I have some pictures of Clayton and Quentin when he was young on these, but I can't put my finger on them just now.

We are thankful that we don't have to farm with these anymore!  Quentin is able to cover 'just a few' more acres in a day with his current tractor, and I am a big fan of cabs, air conditioning and cushy seats!