Thursday, October 12, 2017


Do I have your attention?  Do not panic.  WE are not moving, but the BLOG is. The developers no longer support the Blogger app, and it has become increasing cumbersome to blog from my phone, where all my pictures are stored.  Therefore, we are making the move to Facebook.  We can be found at Stoll Farms KS or this link 

Many of you are on Facebook so this will be an easy transition for you.  For those of you who are not, the page is public. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view it.  However, you will probably get pop-ups asking you to join. If you have problems, let me know, and we can try some other methods to let you view.

We hope you make the "move" with us!!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Looking to bean harvest

We had a total of 1.7" last week.  Now we wait to see whether the beans or ground dries out first. The beans may be getting close, but there is another chance of rain in the forecast along with some cool temperatures starting tonight. Quentin has been working hard getting the combine, header, tractor and grain cart all ready for the next wave of harvest.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Corn harvest is over! Just in time, too. The rain moved in this morning. We were happy to be able to finish despite several minor mechanical issues that seem to plague us the last few days. The soybeans are quickly dropping their leaves. The men might have just enough time to fix all the equipment before it is time to harvest again!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Full trucks, empty fields

Just what I like to see...a full truck and an empty field! We finished all of Rose Marie's corn by late afternoon and moved on to the LAST fields of corn. Quentin was able to get a start on them this evening.  If all goes well, we will finish corn harvest tomorrow. There is a good chance of rain starting tomorrow night so we will be glad to finish before that moves in!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Where is that truck??

The red truck had ANOTHER flat tire...well, the same one actually.  We were down to one truck for a while last night, which meant some wait time.  Luckily, not too much!

Waiting on a truck...


I felt a bit stalker-ish today in the corn field. We finished up on Steeby's and started the outside rounds on Rose Marie's last corn field. It is a large one, and I had to follow the combine around and around and around...