Saturday, September 12, 2015

Full trucks

The men have moved up to Paul and Helen's house to cut.  The dew is heavy this morning so they have plenty of time to empty the trucks from last night.  After the COOP closes each evening, they keep cutting until they have everything full.  In the mornings, they take all the trucks in to dump and work on getting the combine greased up and ready to roll for another full day.  The sun is out now so I expect them to be going again soon.  They should be able to finish up that field today, if they have a good day.  We are expecting some family to come next week that can help drive trucks.  Just in time!  We'll be moving to the fields farthest away from the COOP, and Paul is already struggling to keep up with the combine now.  If the line to dump at the COOP is very long, Quentin has to shut down the combine and wait or stop and take a load in himself.

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