Friday, February 5, 2016

Home sweet home

The combine is back from its "check-up" at the dealership!  The mechanic had a long list of combines to work on this winter so we felt fortunate to get it back so soon.  Quentin and Paul are planning to do a lot of repairs/replacements themselves so they are glad for the extra time to get everything done before they get busy in the fields.  It may be a learning experience!  Quentin was looking through the pallet of parts they ordered, scratching his head, and muttering things like "What is that?" and "Where does that part go?"  Don't worry!  I have been assured that this will NOT be one of those projects where you take something apart, put it back together and then sweep the extra unknown parts under the rug.

Quentin was able to have the rest of the lime on Kenneth's and Marilyn's fields spread today.  The fields were a little soft still, but they were able to get out there without tracking them up.  Glad to have that job done!

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