Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A start

Moisture on Claude's was fine yesterday, and the men were able to get a start on corn harvest.  Quentin finished up on that field this morning.  He tried some of Kenneth's, but the grain is just a little wetter than we would like.  Now he is off to try a test cut on Marilyn's.  It was planted just a few days earlier than Kenneth's with the same hybrid maturity so it might go this afternoon.  We have had some good sunshine and wind to help the drying the last few days.  There are chances of rain starting late tomorrow so we will see how much they are able to do before then.

Yields look well above average thus far!!  It's very exciting even with disappointing corn prices.  And I've only made one run to the parts store since the start of harvest (for something minor) so we are feeling blessed.

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