Monday, January 30, 2017

Back in the saddle

Quentin is back in the field for the first time in weeks!  Spring must surely be right around the corner.  Today, the men started spreading some fertilizer over the top of fields.  Quentin did not want to try to run everything through the strip-till applicator this year.  Too much fertilizer directly in the root zone can cause some problems, and the applicator can only handle so much dry fertilizer before it plugs up.  Therefore, they decided throwing some out over the top this spring would be the best option.  Many of the fields we had soil sampled this year also called for lime applications.  We are expecting lime delivery soon and will have that spread over the top early this spring as well.  As soon as the ground dries out more, Quentin will have the strip-till rig out, too.  Lots to do!  We will see how much ground he can cover before the next rain comes through.  I think there is a chance for more moisture by the weekend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Waiting for dry fields

We are still waiting for the fields to dry out.  Quentin would like to get back in the tractor.  He is working out the remaining fertilizer recommendations and coordinating lime applications.  He also needs to finalize the herbicide plans for the year and buy chemicals.  The price tends to go up as the season draws closer so he would like to get the bulk of it purchased soon.  Always plenty to do around the farm!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Little farmers

The kids have been hard at work farming.  Winter is a good time for them to spend a little extra time "helping" since things move at a slower pace.  Isaac is old enough that he needs some work to keep him busy.  Jobs around the farm make him feel very grown up and important.  Noah is our little cowboy right now.  He loves the cows.  He wants to go feed cows every morning with Dad or Grandpa.  He also loves to watch the ones pastured across the road and yell "BOSS!" at them just like Grandpa.

Isaac helping Dad work
Checking cows

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


The ice melted off fairly quickly around here.  We were thankful that the winds waited to blow until AFTER the ice was gone.  Then, the rain came.  I think that we ended up with around 1 1/2 inches of moisture.  Enough to make it very wet and sloppy.  Quentin had hoped for some sunshine to dry out things at least a little, but we are still overcast here today.  Just feeding the cows a few bales of hay means some slipping and sliding through the lots.  Temperatures are fairly warm this week, at least, which makes the outside work a little more pleasant.  Quentin continues to prep the strip-till bar for spring fertilizer applications and spruce up the big tractor for a possible sale.  I think we will be adding a "new" (used, but new for us) tractor to our farm family soon!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

A little icy

We missed much of the ice storm, thankfully.  There was not much ice in our area until last night.  The temperatures have been rising slightly all weekend so that means that we had more rain than ice.  The bushes and grass have a nice coating this morning, but the sidewalk and road don't seem too slick.  Whew!  Quentin and Noah are out checking cattle this morning to make sure they are faring well, but we seem to be in pretty good shape!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ice storm?

We have the threat of an ice storm starting tonight through Monday.  We are praying the brunt of it misses us.  Quentin has been out trying to get through his to-do list and stocking up the hay for the cattle.  It is noticeably cooler with a 30-degree temperature drop from yesterday, but we still have sunshine today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Thawing out a little

The weather has finally turned warm again for a few days.  We are very thankful for a break!  Quentin is happy to be back working outside.  He spent the last few days on the computer trying to work out fertilizer recommendations and was excited to have a chance to get back outside.  There is more cold weather and rain in the forecast by the end of the week so it is nice for him to catch up on a couple outside things before that front hits.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy New Year!

Brrrr...the new year is off to a cold start!  This morning we have single digits and a light dusting of snow.  Even Quentin has decided he wants to work inside the house or shop today.