Tuesday, January 17, 2017


The ice melted off fairly quickly around here.  We were thankful that the winds waited to blow until AFTER the ice was gone.  Then, the rain came.  I think that we ended up with around 1 1/2 inches of moisture.  Enough to make it very wet and sloppy.  Quentin had hoped for some sunshine to dry out things at least a little, but we are still overcast here today.  Just feeding the cows a few bales of hay means some slipping and sliding through the lots.  Temperatures are fairly warm this week, at least, which makes the outside work a little more pleasant.  Quentin continues to prep the strip-till bar for spring fertilizer applications and spruce up the big tractor for a possible sale.  I think we will be adding a "new" (used, but new for us) tractor to our farm family soon!

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