Saturday, July 29, 2017


The men finished up haying this week.  Yeah!  We had about 0.2" of rain Wednesday night, but overall we are very dry here.  The next chance of rain in the forecast is on Thursday so we will look forward to that.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


We had about 0.5" of rain last night.  It provides only a slight reprieve for the beans corn, but it was very welcome!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Haying weather

The hot and dry spell continues.  We need rain!!  It is good haying weather, however.  The men are getting closer to finishing up haying.  Today, they are raking and baling on Chambers'.  We are praying for rain over the weekend for the corn and beans!  

Baling south of Leonard's trailer house

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

When the hay trailer gets too full...

Filling up!

Mow, rake, bale.  Mow, rake, bale.  The guys have been haying hard, and the hay barn is filling up!  Hot and dry weather continues, but there are a few chances of rain in the forecast starting Sunday.  We will be looking forward to that!

Saturday, July 15, 2017


We had an inch of much needed rain yesterday!  It put the haying on hold temporarily, but we have another dry week expected this week so the moisture was very welcome.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hot and dry

The weather has turned hot and dry with a vengeance!  The next chance for rain is Thursday night in to Friday, and the crops will be overdue for some moisture by then.  Hopefully, we will get a good soaking.  In the meantime, the men have turned their attention to haying in full force.  With this hot and dry stretch, they should be able to cover quite a few acres before Friday.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Reading the signals

They say that 90 percent of communication is non-verbal.  Mountains of books are written on this kind of communication.  There are books on how to read signals from that special someone.  There are books on how to read your boss or coworkers.  There are books on how to know what your baby is trying to tell you.  And on and on and on...  But I ask you this, have you ever seen a book on reading hand signals?  I have not.

You must know what I am talking about.  Its those signals someone gives you when you are backing up to something.  A little to the left, a little to the right, a little closer...STOP.  Or possibly when you are pulling in to get your oil changed and the attendant is giving you the "a little more, a little more and stop" signs with his hands.  Those I can maybe handle, but living on the farm takes hand signals to a whole new level.

The first problem is when you are reading signals in the rear or side-view mirror.  Everything is instantly backwards and therefore completely confusing.  So if your farmer is twirling his finger in a clockwise manner in the mirror, does that mean to turn counterclockwise?  Add in backing a trailer, where you may need to turn the wheel the opposite way from the direction you want it to go for awhile, but then switch in the middle and maybe back again a little the other way.  The finger twirling is now reaching a fever pitch and...well, I am totally lost just thinking about it.  (This is typically the point where I throw open the door and vacate the driver's seat so the aforementioned farmer can do it himself.  Being completely honest...I cannot back a trailer.  Period.)  Then, there are those obscure hand-waving signals when filling a truck that could mean either slow it down, level it off or lie down.  I never quite figured that one out.

So if anyone ever locates a book on reading hand signals on the farm, please let me know.  I imagine it will be a large volume with lots of caveats since every farmer tends to have his own repertoire of signals, but it should make for interesting reading!