Thursday, March 9, 2017

A beautiful day

The wind has finally blown itself out!  It is a nice, calm day today.  We had a brief round of thunderstorms roll through this morning.  There were reports of hail in town, but I did not see any here at the farm.  Again, not much moisture in those clouds.  We still have a chance of precipitation this weekend, but it may come in the form of sleet!  It will be a large temperature drop from the 70-degree days we had yesterday and today.  I guess it's not quite time to plant corn after all.

Quentin has been busy clearing brush over on our land.  We bought a small piece of ground before we even moved to Kansas, but the majority of it has been in CRP.  This year will be the first year we can actually farm it.  Very exciting!  We would like to purchase more of our own ground soon, but it does not come up for sale too often around here.  The brush is mostly on the part of our ground which is pasture.  We have been renting that part out to a neighbor and have been a little neglectful of it.  It is due for some TLC this spring.  The men will go to soybeans for two years on the part which was in CRP.  A neighbor is baling the grass off of it now, which will make it easier to plant in to.  We do not want to plow it if we can help it.  We would prefer to take advantage of all the organic matter which has built up there.

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