Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Soybean strip-till

Quentin spent yesterday and this morning strip-tilling a neighbor's field.  It is a learning experience, I think.  He is only putting on dry fertilizer, but has not tried stripping it in rows on soybean ground.  We will be anxious to see how the roots respond to this method.  We do not want to fertilizer burn the main taproot.  Also, the field has previously been pasture ground, and in some areas, he is stripping straight in to the grass.  Some of the strips look good, and in other areas, the grass prevented the soil from tilling in a nice strip.  This will also be good intel.  Quentin will be planting a former hay meadow and our CRP ground this spring, and we wondered how much "prep" work it would take before we could plant.

Straight into the grass

This afternoon, Quentin plans to spread more fertilizer over the top of bean ground.  It is not windy today, but we expect it to pick back up again tomorrow with the warm front coming through.  We did not get any rain/sleet over the weekend as we had been expecting so the dry weather continues.

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